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导读 您好,今天芳芳来为大家解答以上的问题。入殓师影评1000字,入殓师影评相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、《入殓师》的英


1、《入殓师》的英文影评:This movie is unique in every way. It has a neither inspired, neither copied story about a person who carry out the encoffining of deceased people and how his life goes around with his beautiful wife at the town of his birthplace, to where he moved in after his musical career in an orchestra failed miserably, making him question his talent as a cello player. The performance of the cast, most notably Masahiro Motoki is astounding. The way he goes around his uneasy job, telling lies about his job to his wife, dealing with the memories of his father who left him at an early age makes his performance really mesmerizing. Add the beautiful story and performance with the picturesque surroundings and wonderful score, you get a movie that really deserve the Academy Award For The Best Foreign Language Film. This movie is very different from the usual horror movie coming from Japan. This movie is not boring for a single instant and will make you cry by the end of the movie.。


